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On Some Tools for Plan9's Acme

translation: fr
date: 2021-08-18
update: 2023-04-03

Acme is a text editor/IDE developed by Rob Pike (Go, UTF-8, Sam, etc.) for the Plan9 operating system; the editor is available via e.g. Plan 9 from User Space on UNIX.

In comparison to other modern editors, it is characterized by a restricted features set. The editor is succinctly presented, followed by a quick presentation of some scripts aiming at improving acme(1)’ usability/programmability.

Acme session

Acme session


If you’re new to the editor, you may want to see Russ Cox’s Tour of Acme (video, Sept. 2012), linked here:

Or head to the resources section at the end of this article. If you’re curious about the Plan9 ecosystem, here’s a very complete summary of the various Plan9 derivatives, the research papers for Plan9’s 4th edition and the system’s main documentation, its man pages.

To keep things short, acme(1) is well described as an Integrating Development Environment. Despite a few caveats (e.g. no easy way to programmatically move windows), it’s good enough, small, light, stable, intuitive to UNIX savvy people.

It’s a great example simple software.


The following tools, thereafter described, aim at reducing the amount of windows, and ease to some extent Acme’s scriptability, pushing lib/acme.rc a bit further. Likely, those tools will only makes sense to you if you’ve already been using the editor for a while.


This is perhaps the most useful, at least to me. Most others tools were developed mainly in order to create Run. It aims at implementing a typical “build/run” feature, more precisely, it:

Of course, CLI arguments can be provided to the program to be executed, for instance: Run -- -o foo -x bar baz will feed the program -o foo -x bar baz as CLI arguments.

A convenient -m <target> option will execute make <target> in the first directory containing a Makefile, starting from the current directory, and going up in the tree until it reaches /. For instance, when:

Li Bai (李太白) in stroll Song dynastie, 13th century

Li Bai (李太白) in stroll Song dynastie, 13th century by Liang Kai (1140-1210) 梁楷 through wikimedia.orgPublic domain

“+Buffer” window

In practice, I’ve found that having a single +Errors window, with automatic content flushing, is more suitable than spanning one +Errors window per directory, with no flushing.

Note: the default behavior is reasonable though: better be verbose, and let the user filter as needed.

By convention, this window is called the +Buffer window, being the only window whose name is suffixed by +Buffer. Its access is automatically managed via the Getids command, described thereafter.

That window’s tagline is also used for running global commands, such as the session-related ones, also described later on.

Six Persimmons, 六柿图, 13th century, Southern Song (Chinese), actually at Daitoku-ji, Kyoto, Japan

Six Persimmons, 六柿图, 13th century, Southern Song (Chinese), actually at Daitoku-ji, Kyoto, Japan by Muqi (c. 1210 – c. 1269) 牧谿 through wikimedia.orgCC-BY-SA-3.0


Getids is a key script, on which most other scripts are built upon. It allows to easily target:

It outputs a list of window IDs, one per line, from either:

As an example, a script like Do that runs a command from a window’s tagline, thus allowing to run/chain regular acme(1) commands (e.g. Put, Putall, etc.), has an optional argument that is forwarded to Getids:

    # Clean current window
    (tagline)$ Do 'Edit ,d'

    # Clean the content of all +Errors windows
    (sh|tagline)$ Do 'Edit ,d' '\+Errors$'

    # Write is used to store data in special buffer's files (9P),
    # similar to lib/acme.rc's winwrite().
    # The following writes and closes all windows whose name contain
    # "/project42/", cleaning the +Buffer window's content thereafter,
    # creating it if  necessary.
    (sh|tagline)$ Write ctl put '\/project42\/'    && \
                  Write ctl delete '\/project42\/' && \
                  Do 'Edit ,d' -a

XDump, XLoad, Switch (sessions)

Again aiming at reducing windows proliferation, those three small scripts load/dump current windows’ states:

    # Put all files and creates a dump file in
    # $HOME/acme.dumps/project42.dump with current state
    (sh|tagline)$ XPutall && XDump project42 # optional .dump extension

    # Restore state from $HOME/acme.dumps/projects42.dump,
    # closing all opened windows beforehand
    (sh|tagline)$ XLoad project42.dump       # optional .dump extension

    # Dump current state to $HOME/acme.dumps/project42.dump and
    # load session $HOME/acme.dumps/website.dump
    (sh|tagline)$ Switch project42 website   # optional .dump extension
Immortal, ink, Song dynastie, 潑墨仙人 13th century

Immortal, ink, Song dynastie, 潑墨仙人 13th century by Liang Kai (1140-1210) 梁楷 through wikimedia.orgPublic domain


Complete documentation of all the tools can be found on github.


See also some “modern” rewrites attempts:


By email, at mathieu.bivert chez:
